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MEI Online: MEI Conferences: Gravity '99


This two day international Minerals Engineering Symposium was held at the Renaissance Hotel, in the centre of Amsterdam.
Sponsored by Knelson Concentrators and Wilfley UK Ltd, the symposium was attended by 30 high profile gravity separation specialists from 12 countries, representing Australia, Africa, Asia, North America and Europe.

Peter Davies explains the S-W Minerals Spiral
The keynote lecture was presented by Richard Burt of Cabot Mineral Development, Canada, who reviewed the role of gravity concentration in modern mineral processing plants. This was followed by 18 papers dealing with Plant Practice, Classification and Dewatering, Gravity Concentrators and Optimisation and Control, describing the utilisation of gravity techniques not only in mainstream mineral processing, but also in diverse areas such as soil remediation and the recovery of gold from jewellery waste.

The following papers have been published in Minerals Engineering:

Minerals Engineering Volume 12 Number 9 (September 1999)

Dense medium separation using a teetered bed separator
K.P. Galvin, S.J. Pratten and S.K. Nicol (Australia)

Application of fluidization to obtain washability data
K.P. Galvin and S.J. Pratten (Australia)

Minerals Engineering Volume 12 Number 10 (October 1999)

Industrial monitoring of hydrocyclone operation using electrical resistance tomography
R.A. Williams et al (UK)

Application of magnetic forces to disk vacuum filtration in the laboratory and plant
J.L. Watson and Z. Li (USA)

Classification and breakage of flocs in hydrocyclones
E.J. Roldan-Villasana (Mexico) and R.A. Williams (UK)

Minerals Engineering Volume 12 Number 11 (November 1999)

The role of gravity concentration in modern mineral processing plants
R. Burt (Canada)

Minerals Engineering Volume 12 Number 12 (December 1999)

Significantly improved recovery of slightly heavy minerals from quaternary samples using GTK modified 3" Knelson concentrator
T. Chernet, J. Marmo and A. Nissinen (Finland)

Analysis of fluid motion during jigging
B.K. Mishra and B. Adhikari (India)

Minerals Engineering Volume 13 Number 6 (June 2000)

Gold recovery from jewellery waste
M. Delfini, A. Manni and P. Massacci (Italy)



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