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MEI Online: MEI Conferences: Computational Modelling 05: Technical Programme

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Monday November 7th

Poster Introductions

Technical Sessions 1- Model Parameters

Incorporating measured material interaction properties in Discrete Element Methods
R. Chandramohan, R Sarracino and M S Powell (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Effect of contact forces in a discrete element code for applications in minerals processing
J.E.Olsen, L.R.Hellevik, P. Skjetne (SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Norway) and R.Holdahl (SINTEF ICT, Norway)

Technical Session 2- Complex Flow

Modeling of flow in impeller stirred tanks using computational fluid dynamics
D.A. Deglon and C.J. Meyer (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Numerical study of particle-fluid flow in hydrocyclones of different parameters
B. Wang and A.B. Yu (University of New South Wales, Australia)

Modelling swirl flow at different viscosities
M.J. Doby, T. Dyakowski (University of Manchester, UK), A.F. Nowakowski (University of Sheffield, UK) and E. Nowak (AGH University of Science & Technology, Poland)

Study of flow behaviour in a three product cyclone using computational fluid dynamics technique
M. Narasimha (Tata Steel, India), A. Mainza, M.S. Powell (University of Cape Town, South Africa), P.N. Holtham and M. Brennan (JKMRC, Australia)

Modelling the motion and dispersion of liquid and particles in froths
J.R. Meloy and J.J. Cilliers (University of Manchester, UK)

Tuesday November 8th

Technical Session 3- Particulate Systems

An investigation of contact models for DEM simulations of rotary grinding mills
R.S. Sarracino and M.S. Powell (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

What is required from DEM simulation to model breakage in mills?
M. Powell and A. McBride (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Modelling of grinding pressure within compressed particle bed
N. Djordjevic and R. Morrison (JKMRC, Australia)

Effect of material properties of grinding media on particle flow in IsaMill
C. Jayasundara et al (University of New South Wales, Australia) and D. Curry (Xstrata, Australia)

Validation of DEM using an empirical power model derived from 3D particle tracking experiments
I. Govender, R. Sarracino and M.S. Powell (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Technical Session 4- Moving Particle Beds

Numerical study of a centrifugal fluidized bed separator
X. Wang and N. J. Miles (University of Nottingham, UK)

Capillary forces in a discrete element code for prediction of moving bed velocity
L.R.Hellevik, J.E.Olsen, P. Skjetne (SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Norway) and R.Holdahl (SINTEF ICT, Norway)

Modeling and simulation of jigging in a small-scale jig
A.V. Kolesnikov, N. Naude, P. Lorentsen (Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa)

Modelling of the separation process in a ferrohydrostatic separator using PFC3D
V. Murariu and P. Sergeant (De Beers SA, South Africa)

Wednesday November 9th

Technical Session 5- Mixed Model Systems

Integrating particle and fluid motion with DEM / SPH
R.S. Sarracino, K. Penzhorn and M.S. Powell (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Linking froth and pulp performance
R. Zietara and S.J. Neethling (University of Manchester, UK)

Computational modeling of reactive multi-phase flows in porous media: applications to metals extraction and environmental recovery processes
M. Cross, C.R. Bennett, D. McBride (University of Wales, UK) and J.E. Gebhardt (PERI, USA)

Simulation of the formation and growth of cakes composed of multi-size particles in sedimentation and filtration
K.J. Dong et al (University of New South Wales, Australia) and G. Roach (Alcoa World Alumina, Australia)

A Dynamic - CFD hybrid model of a submerged arc furnace for phosphorus productio - Part II
E. Scheepers, A.T. Adema, Y. Yang, M.A. Reuter (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Simulating flotation circuits
S.J. Neethling (University of Manchester, UK)

Investigation of the dynamics of fines in wire mesh filters
P. Skjetne, J.E.Olsen, L.R.Hellevik (SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Norway) and R.Holdahl (SINTEF ICT, Norway)

Multi-scale modelling of processes in the minerals industry
M.P. Schwarz and T. Liu (CSIRO Minerals, Australia)


A computational modelling of heap bioleaching process for extraction of metals from sulfide ores
S.M. Mousavi et al (Sharif University of Technology, Iran) and A. Jafari (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland)

Temperature control: modelling, simulation and design issues
N. Mazana and M.R. Redi (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)

Simulating froth surfaces: from image analysis to flotation performance
Y. Wang and S.J. Neethling (University of Manchester, UK)

Use of Discrete Element Modelling as a design and optimisation tool for mineral processing operations
J. Favier (DEM Solutions Ltd, UK)

Computer computation and ion exchange technology
A. Nesbitt (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa)

Numerical simulation of magnetite segregation in a dense medium cyclone
M.Narasimha (Tata Steel, India), M. Brennan and P.N.Holtham (JKMRC, Australia)

Mineral matter transformation during Sasol-Lurgi gasification - utilization of HT-XRD and FactSage modelling
J.C. van Dyk and M. Coertzen (Sasol Technology, South Africa)



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