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Duta, E.P., Franca, F.P., and Costa, A.C.A., The performance of a continuous system for biosorption and desorption of zinc, cadmium, manganese and copper by the seaweed sargassum sp. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Ebner, C., Pumpel, T., and Gampre, M., Biosorption of Cr(III) by the cell wall of mucor hiemalis. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Pagnanelli, F., Toro, L., Beolchini, F., and Veglio, F., Dynamic simulation and experimental validation of single and multi-metallic solutions in the biosorption of heavy metals in membrane reactors: an overviewThe European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Lacher, C., and Smith, R.W., Sorption kinetics of Hg(II) onto potamogeton natans biomassThe European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Sag, Y., and Akcael, B., Multi-metal biosorption equilibria of Cr(VI), Cu(II), Cd(II), and Fe(III) ions. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Tan, K.F., Chu, K.H., and Hashim, M.A., Continuos packed bed biosorption of copper by immobilized seaweed biomass. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Malik, A., et al. Effect of pretreatment on pyritic sulphur reduction from coalThe European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Deveci, H., Effect of salinity on the oxidative activity of acidophilic bacteria during bioleaching of a complex Zn/Pb sulphide ore. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Acharya, C., Kar, R.N., and Sukla, L.B., Bioleaching of low grade manganese ore with penicillium citrinum. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Harvet, T.J., Holder, N., and Stanek, T., Thermophilic bioheap leaching of chalcopyrite concentrates. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Nebera, V.P., and Solozhenkin, P.M., Biosorption and flotation biomass, loaded by precious or toxic metals. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Petrisor, I.G., et al, Biosorption of heavy metals from leachates generated at mine waste disposal sites. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Kuyucak, N., Role of microorganisms in mining: generation of acid rock drainage and its mitigation and treatment. The European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Vol.2 No.3, 2002

Readett, D., Bioleaching at Nifty Copper operation. AusIMM Bulletin, No.6, 2002

Ehrlich, H. L., How microbes mobilize metals in ores: A review of current understandings and proposals for further research. Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, Vol.19 No.4, 2002

H. Deveci. Effect of solids on viability of acidophilic bacteria. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.12, 2002

J. Petersen, D.G. Dixon. Thermophilic heap leaching of a chalcopyrite concentrate. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.11, 2002

J.J. Plumb, B. Gibbs, M.B. Stott, W.J. Robertson, J.A.E. Gibson, P.D. Nichols, H.R. Watling, P.D. Franzmann. Enrichment and characterisation of thermophilic acidophiles for the bioleaching of mineral sulphides. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.11, 2002

A.F. Tshilombo, J. Petersen, D.G. Dixon. The influence of applied potentials and temperature on the electrochemical response of chalcopyrite during bacterial leaching. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.11, 2002

L.J. Mason, N.M. Rice. The adaptation of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans for the treatment of nickel-iron sulphide concentrates. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.11, 2002

T.J. Harvey, W. Van Der Merwe, K. Afewu. The application of the GeoBiotics GEOCOAT biooxidation technology for the treatment of sphalerite at Kumba resources' Rosh Pinah mine. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.11, 2002

R.S. Laxman, S. More. Reduction of hexavalent chromium by Streptomyces griseus. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.11, 2002

C.F. Bonney, E. Pehrsson, G. Sodermark. Bio-/hydro-metallurgical research centre ''BIOMETECH'' . Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.11, 2002

C. Fras, G. Daz, N. Ocana, J.I. Lozano. Silver, gold and lead recovery from bioleaching residues using the PLINT process. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.11, 2002

W.J. Robertson, P.H.-M. Kinnunen, J.J. Plumb, P.D. Franzmann, J.A. Puhakka, J.A.E. Gibson, P.D. Nichols. Moderately thermophilic iron oxidising bacteria isolated from a pyritic coal deposit showing spontaneous combustion. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.11, 2002

L. Travieso, A. Pellon, F. Bentez, E. Sanchez, R. Borja, N. O'Farrill, P. Weiland. BIOALGA reactor: preliminary studies for heavy metals removal. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol.12 no.2, 2002

Y. Sag, Y. Aktay. Kinetic studies on sorption of Cr(VI) and Cu(II) ions by chitin, chitosan and Rhizopus arrhizus. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol.12 no.2, 2002

M. Nurbas, Y. Kaar, T. Kutsal. Determining the Overall Mass Transfer Coefficient for Adsorption of Cu2+ Ions onto Ca-Alginate in Fixed Bed Column. European Journal of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, vol.2 no.2, 2002

A. Hammaini, A. Ballester, M.L. Blazquez, F. Gonzalez, J. Munoz. Effect of the presence of lead on the biosorption of copper, cadmium and zinc by activated sludge. Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 67 No.1-3, 2002

M.C. Palmieri, B. Volesky, O. Garcia. Biosorption of lanthanum using Sargassum fluitans in batch system. Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 67 No.1-3, 2002

Vijayalakshmi, S.P., and Raichur, A.M., Bioflocculation of high-ash Indian coals using Paenibacillus polymyxa. International Journal of Mineral Processing, vol.67 no.1-4, 2002

O. Genc, Y. Yalcinkaya, E. Buyuktuncel, A. Denizli, M.Y. Arica, S. Bektas. Uranium recovery by immobilized and dried powdered biomass: characterization and comparison. International Journal of Mineral Processing, vol.68 no.1-4, 2002

K. Chandra Sekhar, C.T. Kamala, N.S. Chary, Y. Anjaneyulu. Removal of heavy metals using a plant biomass with reference to environmental control. International Journal of Mineral Processing, vol.68 no.1-4, 2002

M.N. Chandraprabha, J.M. Modak, K.A. Natarajan, A.M. Raichur. Strategies for efficient start-up of continuous biooxidation process for refractory gold ores. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.10, 2002

Rubio, A., and Garcia Frutos, F.J., Bioleaching capacity of an extremely thermophilic culture for chalcopyritic materials. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.9, 2002

Bhakta, P. Arthur, B., Heap Bio-oxidation and Gold Recovery at Newmont Mining: First-Year Results. JOM, Vol. 54 No.10, 2002

E.Y. Lee, K.-S. Cho, H. Wook Ryu. Microbial refinement of kaolin by iron-reducing bacteria. Applied Clay Science, vol.22 no.1-2, 2002

K. Rostami, M.R. Joodaki. Some studies of cadmium adsorption using Aspergillus niger, Penicillium austurianum, employing an airlift fermenter. Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.89 no.1-3, 2002

F. Veglio, A. Di Biase, F. Beolchini, F. Pagnanelli. Heavy metal biosorption in binary systems: simulation in single- and two-stage UF/MF membrane reactors. Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 66 No.1-3, 2002

L. Nikolov, D. Karamanev, V. Mamatarkova, D. Mehochev, D. Dimitrov. Properties of the biofilm of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans formed in rotating biological contactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol.12 no.1, 2002

Kumari, A. Natarajan, K. A., Electrochemical processing of ocean manganese nodules with microbial enhancement to recover valuable metals. Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, Vol.19 No.3, August 2002

S. Picher, P. Drogui, R. Guay, J.F. Blais. Wastewater sludge and pig manure used as culture media for bioleaching of metal sulphides. Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 65 No.2-3, 2002

A. Kumari, K.A. Natarajan. Electrochemical aspects of leaching of ocean nodules in the presence and absence of microorganisms. Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol.66, no.1-4, 2002

P. d'Hugues, S. Foucher, P. Galle-Cavalloni, D. Morin. Continuous bioleaching of chalcopyrite using a novel extremely thermophilic mixed culture. Int. J. Mineral Processing, Vol.66, no.1-4, 2002

N. He, Y. Li, J. Chen, S.-Y. Lun. Identification of a novel bioflocculant from a newly isolated Corynebacterium glutamicum. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol.11 no.2-3, 2002

C. Solisio, A. Lodi, F. Veglio. Bioleaching of zinc and aluminium from industrial waste sludges by means of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. Waste Management, vol.22 no.6, 2002

A. Mazuelos, R. Romero, I. Palencia, F. Carranza, F.J. Borjas. Oxygen transfer in ferric iron biological production in a packed-bed reactor. Hydrometallurgy, Vol. 65 Number 1, April 2002

B.H.L. Betlem, P. Mulder, B. Roffel. Optimal mode of operation for biomass production. Chemical Engineering Science, vol.57 no.14, 2002

Y. Songrong, X. Jiyuan, Q. Guanzhou, H. Yuehua. Research and application of bioleaching and biooxidation technologies in China. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.5, 2002

H. Yuehua, Q. Guanzhou, W. Jun, W. Dianzuo. The effect of silver-bearing catalysts on bioleaching of chalcopyrite. Hydrometallurgy, Vol.64 no.2, 2002

D. Weuster-Botz, S. Stevens, A. Hawrylenko. Parallel-operated stirred-columns for microbial process development. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol.11 no.1, 2002

A. Kumari, K.A. Natarajan. Development of a clean bioelectrochemical process for leaching of ocean manganese nodules. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.1-2, 2002

C. Lacher, R.W. Smith. Sorption of Hg(II) by Potamogeton natans dead biomass. Minerals Engineering, Vol.15, no.3, 2002

Y. Chisti, U.J. Jauregui-Haza. Oxygen transfer and mixing in mechanically agitated airlift bioreactors. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol.10 no.2, 2002

P. Visoottiviseth, K. Francesconi, W. Sridokchan. The potential of Thai indigenous plant species for the phytoremediation of arsenic contaminated land. Environmental Pollution, vol.118 no.3, 2002

T. Deng, M. Liao. Gold recovery enhancement from a refractory flotation concentrate by sequential bioleaching and thiourea leach. Hydrometallurgy, Vol.63 no.3, 2002

J. Knight, C. Cheeseman, R. Rogers. Microbial influenced degradation of solidified waste binder. Waste Management, Vol.22 no.2, 2002

A. Yahya, D.B. Johnson. Bioleaching of pyrite at low pH and low redox potentials by novel mesophilic Gram-positive bacteria. Hydrometallurgy, Vol.63 no.2, 2002

A. Esposito, F. Pagnanelli, F. Veglio. pH-related equilibria models for biosorption in single metal systems. Chemical Engineering Science, vol.57 no.3, 2002

M. Nurbas Nourbakhsh, S. Kilicarslan, S. Ilhan, H. Ozdag. Biosorption of Cr6+, Pb2+ and Cu2+ ions in industrial waste water on Bacillus sp.. Chemical Engineering Journal, vol.85 no.2-3, 2002

Y. Yalcinkaya, L. Soysal, A. Denizli, M.Y. Arica, S. Bektas, O. Genc. Biosorption of cadmium from aquatic systems by carboxymethylcellulose and immobilized Trametes versicolor. Hydrometallurgy, Vol.63 no.1, 2002



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