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Y. Yamamoto, R. Soda, J. Kano, F. Saito, DEM simulation of bead motion during wet bead milling using an enlarged particle model, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 114-117, 2012
N. Magdalinovic, M. Trumic, G. Trumic, S. Magdalinovic, M. Trumic, Determination of the Bond work index on samples of non-standard size, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 114-117, 2012
J. Alatalo, B. Pĺlsson, K. Tano, Influence of charge type on measurements with an in-mill sensor, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 39, 2012
P.W. Cleary, R.D. Morrison, Prediction of 3D slurry flow within the grinding chamber and discharge from a pilot scale SAG mill, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 39, 2012
A.B. Makokha, M.H. Moys, A.M. Muumbo, R.J. Kiprono, Optimization of in-mill ball loading and slurry solids concentration in grinding of UG-2 ores: A statistical experimental design approach, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 39, 2012
H. Miettunen, R. Kaukonen, K. Corin, S. Ojala, R.L. Keiski, Effect of reducing grinding conditions on the flotation behaviour of low-S content PGE ores, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 36-38, 2012
J. Kwon, H. Cho, M. Mun, K. Kim, Modeling of coal breakage in a double-roll crusher considering the reagglomeration phenomena, Powder Technology, Vol. 232, 2012
S. Zhao, Y. Peng, The oxidation of copper sulfide minerals during grinding and their interactions with clay particles, Powder Technology, Vol. 230, 2012
M. Capece, R. Dave, E. Bilgili, A rational function approximation to the effectiveness factor for multi-particle interactions in dense-phase dry milling, Powder Technology, Vol. 230, 2012
W. Yuan, J. Li, Q. Zhang, F. Saito, Mechanochemical sulfidization of lead oxides by grinding with sulfur, Powder Technology, Vol. 230, 2012
E. Wang, F. Shi, E. Manlapig, Experimental and numerical studies of selective fragmentation of mineral ores in electrical comminution, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 112-113, 2012
B. Csoke, J. Faitli, G. Mucsi, G. Antal, F. Bartók, Comminution of forest biomass by modified beater wheel mill in a power plant, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 112-113, 2012
O. Lecoq, A. Chamayou, J.A. Dodds, P. Guigon, Application of a simplifying model to the breakage of different materials in an air jet, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 112-113, 2012
E.N. Tsoy, A modelling approach for derivation of the breakage functions, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 80, 2012
Kwan Ho Kim, Hee Chan Cho, Ji Whan Ahn, Breakage of waste concrete for liberation using autogenous mill, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 35, 2012
X. Xiao, G. Zhang, Q. Feng, S. Xiao, L. Huang, X. Zhao, Z. Li, The liberation effect of magnetite fine ground by vertical stirred mill and ball mill, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 34, 2012
E. Wang, F. Shi, E. Manlapig, Factors affecting electrical comminution performance, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 34, 2012
P. Jonsén, B.I. Pĺlsson, H. Häggblad, A novel method for full-body modelling of grinding charges in tumbling mills, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 33, 2012
G. Asbjörnsson, E. Hulthén, M. Evertsson, Modelling and dynamic simulation of gradual performance deterioration of a crushing circuit - Including time dependence and wear, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 33, 2012
C.T. Jayasundara, R.Y. Yang, A.B. Yu, Effect of the size of media on grinding performance in stirred mills, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 33, 2012
A.W. Momber, Fractal dimensions of cement-based composites after mechanical comminution, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 110-111, 2012
V. Singh, V. Tathavadkar, M.B. Denys, R. Venugopal, Application of quartz inversion phenomenon in mineral processing - A case study of siliceous manganese ores, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 32, 2012
P. Pourghahramani, Effects of ore characteristics on product shape properties and breakage mechanisms in industrial SAG mills, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 32, 2012
N. Lippiatt, F. Bourgeois, Investigation of microwave-assisted concrete recycling using single-particle testing, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 31, 2012
M. Gent, M. Menendez, J. Torańo, S. Torno, A correlation between Vickers Hardness indentation values and the Bond Work Index for the grinding of brittle minerals, Powder Technology, Vol. 224, 2012
M.H. Wang, R.Y. Yang, A.B. Yu, DEM investigation of energy distribution and particle breakage in tumbling ball mills, Powder Technology, Vol. 223, 2012
V. Spitas, C. Spitas, Stochastic simulation of the power requirements of dry clinker pulverisation, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 106-109, 2012
C. Meimaris, W.K.K. Lai, Fatigue design of mills, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 30, 2012
C. Hosten, B. Fidan, An industrial comparative study of cement clinker grinding systems regarding the specific energy consumption and cement properties, Powder Technology, Vol. 221, 2012
O.Y. Toraman, Effect of chemical additive on stirred bead milling of calcite powder, Powder Technology, Vol. 221, 2012
P.R. Santhanam, E.L. Dreizin, Predicting conditions for scaled-up manufacturing of materials prepared by ball milling, Powder Technology, Vol. 221, 2012
S. Nomura, Dispersion properties for residence time distributions in tumbling ball mills, Powder Technology, Vol. 222, 2012
Can E. Özer, William J. Whiten, A multi-component appearance function for the breakage of coal, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 104-105, 2012
E. Wang, F. Shi, E. Manlapig, Mineral liberation by high voltage pulses and conventional comminution with same specific energy levels, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 27-28, 2012
Y. Rozenblat, E. Grant, A. Levy, H. Kalman, J. Tomas, Selection and breakage functions of particles under impact loads, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 71, No. 26, 2012
L. McElroy, J. Bao, C.T. Jayasundara, R.Y. Yang, A.B. Yu, A soft-sensor approach to impact intensity prediction in stirred mills guided by DEM models, Powder Technology, Vol. 219, 2012
L.M. Tavares, R.M. de Carvalho, J.C. Guerrero, Simulating the Bond rod mill grindability test, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 26, 2012
A.B. Makokha, M.H. Moys, Multivariate approach to on-line prediction of in-mill slurry density and ball load volume based on direct ball and slurry sensor data, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 26, 2012
C. Cai, Y. Wu, Z. Shen, S. Ma, Y. Xing, The integration of carborundum powder comminution and surface modification in an air jet mill, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 26, 2012
A. Tang, L. Su, C. Li, Effect of dry grinding on the physicochemical properties of silica materials prepared from kaolin residue, Powder Technology, Vol. 218, 2012
M. Maleki-Moghaddam, M. Yahyaei, S. Banisi, Converting AG to SAG mills: The Gol-E-Gohar Iron Ore Company case, Powder Technology, Vol. 217, 2012
Y. Peng, B. Wang, A. Gerson, The effect of electrochemical potential on the activation of pyrite by copper and lead ions during grinding, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 102-103, 2012
F. Dellisanti, G. Valdrč, The role of microstrain on the thermostructural behaviour of industrial kaolin deformed by ball milling at low mechanical load, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 102-103, 2012
A.M. Abouzeid, D.W. Fuerstenau, Flow of materials in rod mills as compared to ball mills in dry systems, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol. 102-103, 2012
C. Pérez-Alonso, J.A. Delgadillo, Experimental validation of 2D DEM code by digital image analysis in tumbling mills, Minerals Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2012
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